“Nurse Practitioner here. The accessibility of prescription medications through online platforms and virtual providers is appalling. Tempting patients who are struggling with weight loss with a GLP-1 prescription not only drives up the cost for diabetic patients who depend on that drug, but it is also dangerous to take without a comprehensive history and physical. Side effects and adverse reactions like pancreatitis are just one part of it.”
“If you are scheduled for a procedure with anesthesia and your care team does not know you are prescribed a GLP-1 through one of these platforms, you are at a high risk of suffering aspiration pneumonia or other pulmonary complications related to delayed gastric emptying. This can lead to unexpected intubation, life support, sepsis, and, yes, death. And yes, we see it happen. GLP-1s serve a purpose and if you qualify for them, then just ask your regular provider. We don’t judge, and the majority of us simply want what is best for you!”
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